LIMS Software solutions

Our company offers different solutions for managing information and processes within your lab.

A LIMS or laboratory information management system is a type of software designed to improve lab productivity and efficiency, by keeping track of data associated with samples, experiments, laboratory workflows, and instruments. A modern LIMS has evolved from a sample-based tracking system to the digital backbone of the lab. It’s a tool that helps manage efficiency and costs. A LIMS does more than just keep track of your sample information, scientific data and results. It allows you to actively manage your entire lab process from instrument maintenance and samples to people and consumables.

Capabilities of our LIMS system:

Sample management

Good sample management processes are necessary to ensure sample integrity, data quality, and proper chain of custody. Sample management capabilities include shipment management, accessioning, and inventory management.

Instrument management

Monitor the status of the lab’s instruments, schedule work and maintenance. Manage storage capacity and freezers across facilities to maintain environment requirements for solutions, reagents, samples, etc., to ensure that they remain in the proper conditions.

Laboratory management

Understanding the overhead and capacity that your team can support is key to determining timelines, reporting on turnaround times, and resourcing projects.

SOP compliance

Workflows guide analysts through each step of a method to ensure compliance to the SOP and captures the complete process history. Drive quality and compliance through repeatable execution of methods and processes.


LIMS software can connect to enterprise systems like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems and Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) as well as laboratory systems including electronic lab notebooks (ELN) and Chromatography Data Systems and Chromatography Data Systems (CDS).


Cybersecurity is critical to ensure data integrity and business continuity. Ensure secure data and system access on premises or in the cloud.

Dashboards and data visualization

Data can be visualized in the system through reports and dashboards enabling laboratories to track overall laboratory performance and assigned work.

Reporting and data analytics

Information in the LIMS can be reported on, shared, analyzed, and audited. All relationships and metadata are captured, enabling users to work with data in context.

Data storage

Ensure proper electronic records retention and data archival to comply with the latest regulatory requirements of ISO 17025.